Beavercreek Garden Center:
See you next Spring!
2074 Beaver Valley Rd
Beavercreek, Ohio 45434
Ph: (937) 427-4110
Wholesale: (937) 426-5729

Centerville Garden Center:
Tues.-Sat: – 9am-5pm
Sun. – Mon. -CLOSED

6000 Far Hills Ave
Centerville, Ohio 45459
Ph: (937) 434-1326
Landscape: (937) 274-1154


Once very popular in the late 70’s to early 80’s… “Zebrina Wandering Jew” is gaining in popularity again.

Place your plant in bright indirect or filtered light. Early morning and late day sunshine is ok. If only one side of the plant is getting light… rotate your plant every few days.

It may be difficult to feel the soil for moisture… so water this plant by weight and color. When your Wandering Jew looses some of its color and starts to appear droopy… it’s time to water. Note the weight of the plant when you first purchased it, check your plant every few days noting the weight… when the plant is light… it’s time to water.

Feed your plant monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

Cuttings are very east to root. Place them in water or pot them in good quality potting soil. Cuttings can also be laid on top of moist potting soil to start a new plant. The Wandering Jew has a tendency to outgrow itself within a season or two, so starting a new one occasionally is just the answer!