2) Plant Botanical name – Begoniaceae
3) What makes this plant amazing? Grow for their beautiful blooms and/or spectacular foliage. They are very versatile, come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Multitude of uses- inside and outside. there are over 1,000 species of Begonias. Within that are 4 main categories.
Fibrous– Includes cane, wax and angel-wing
Tuberous- Has the most striking, large flowers in multiple colors. Blooms all season long.
Hardy- Perennial in our zone. Foliage similar to tuberous.
Rhizomatous- Grown mostly for their amazing foliage. Blooms are small and inconspicuous.
4) How much light does it need? Generally likes bright indirect light indoors. Outside, likes more shade than sun, but some dark leaf bedding types tolerate part sun to sun.
5) Does it like water all the time or does it like to be dry? Tolerate evenly moist to dry, very well-drained soil.
6) How large does it grow? Depending on the variety and growing conditions, they can grow anywhere from 6″ to 8-12′ tall.
7) Does it need to be trimmed? If so how often? Yes, can be trimmed to maintain size and deadheaded to promote blooming.
8) Does it have something that makes it unique? Just the sheer number of varieties, shapes, sizes and colors make them unique.
9) Do you need to fertilize? With what and how often? Fertilizer helps in good bloom production and foliage color.
Indoors and outdoors – a general water based fertilizer during the growing season monthly or a time released one once or twice during the growing season

Fibrous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia