1) Plant Common name – Bronx Forsythia
2) Plant Botanical name – Forsythia viridissima ‘Bronxensis’
3) What makes this plant amazing? Beautiful early spring blooms. One of the earliest of the year!
4) How much light does it need? A sunny position is vital when you’re planting. If you do plant Forsythia in the shade a multitude of shoots form but many will refuse to flower. Growth also becomes loose and weak.
5) Does it like water all the time or does it like to be dry? This plant grows strongly in most well-drained soils, from heavy clay to light sand and chalk.
6) How large does it grow? Mature Plant Size (H x W): 2-3′ x 2-3′
7) Does it need to be trimmed? If so how often? Prune in May – Once established, keep plants youthful and flowering freely by removing from the base a third of the oldest shoots when flowers fade. Clip hedges at the same time of year, so that flower buds form from the following year.
8) Does it have something that makes it unique? Big, bold swaths of color early in the Spring…. Fantastic!!!
9) Do you need to fertilize? With what and how often? Usually, no need to fertilize.
10) Does it bloom? It can produce small pale yellow flowers in spring before the leaves leaf out.
11) Does it have a fragrance? Yes, it has a nice fragrance.
12) Is it poisonous to pets? No
13) Ease of growing? Easy Peasy, plant and forget.
14) Can it go outside for summer/inside for winter? No, it is an outside plant.
15) Can it be propagated easily? It can be divided from the suckers it produces.
16) Any additional ‘features’ about this favorite plant? Deer Resistant, Salt Tolerant, Walnut Toxicity Resistant, Cut Flower, Attracts Pollinators