To bloom and stay healthy, Miniature Roses need bright light all day long and several hours of direct sunlight. If needed, supplement what is naturally available with artificial full-spectrum lights.
It is important to keep the soil evenly moist while they are actively growing and blooming. After they have finished their bloom cycle, water can be cut back and the soil allowed to dry slightly between watering.
Miniature roses will grow best in a cool location, especially during the winter. If temperatures exceed 75º in the summer, be sure to increase the humidity. They like high humidity, but avoid wetting the foliage or flowers. To increase the moisture in the air, use a humidity tray or a humidifier.
During the spring and summer, fertilize miniature roses every 2 weeks with a water-soluble food.
If you are keeping them over from year to year, repot them in the spring. They do like to be pot bound, so be sure not to increase the pot size too much. A standard soilless potting soil is perfect.
They do appreciate an occasional shower to remove dust from the leaves. Prune out the flowers as they begin to fade so the plant will put its energy into producing more flowers instead of forming rose hips.
Spider Mites can be a problem in winter if the humidity stays too low. Please talk to our staff about controls if you should need them.