Beavercreek Garden Center:
See you next Spring!
2074 Beaver Valley Rd
Beavercreek, Ohio 45434
Ph: (937) 427-4110
Wholesale: (937) 426-5729

Centerville Garden Center:
Tues.-Sat: – 9am-5pm
Sun. – Mon. -CLOSED

6000 Far Hills Ave
Centerville, Ohio 45459
Ph: (937) 434-1326
Landscape: (937) 274-1154


Clivia are gaining popularity as a houseplant because of their beautiful blooms. However, there are conditions that must be met before they will do so in the house.

Place them where they will get morning sun or bright, indirect light. They will not tolerate either direct sun coming in a south or west window or low light situations.

Clivia enjoys being watered and fertilized occasionally during the spring and summer growing season. They do not like an excess of water and will rot quickly if not allowed to dry out. In late fall and winter allow them to sit dry for a bit between waterings. It is hard to harm them from under watering, and quick to rot them from too much.

They enjoy being pot-bound, so do not rush them into a pot too big for their comfort.

They will enjoy being outside for the summer. A porch, deck or patio with morning sun or good filtered sun is ideal. They will burn easily in afternoon sun. You may need to pull them out of the weather if we go through a prolonged rainy spell…. they will not enjoy the extra water. Bring them inside by mid-September.