Aglaonema, which is also known as Chinese Evergreen, can be grown anywhere in almost any conditions. If you need to give a housewarming gift without having seen the house, this is the perfect plant. Low-light is not a problem, and though it prefers a higher humidity, it will adapt to lower.
Aglaonema has a few requirements that need to be kept in mind. Though the soil can almost dry out between waterings, it should not become bone dry, nor should it be moist all the time. It’s also important to gently clean the leaves off on a regular basis.
Aglaonema does best in a medium to low light location within a warm room. Don’t let the temperature to fall below 60 degrees F. at any time. They make nice plants for the bedroom or the bathroom. Fertilize with your favorite houseplant fertilizer according to the directions on the package.
If your plant starts getting leggy you can trim it and it will grow closer to the soil. If you do trim your aglaonema be sure to root it in water and share it with a friend. Aglaonema are similar to Pothos (Devil’s Ivy) in that you can root them in water, and even grow them in a small glass vase–adding pretty marbles or stones for accent.